

Landscapes, wildlife, architecture, macro, and industrial-themed scenes.

Software Engineer by trade, I enjoyed photography since at least 2011. My focus is on landscapes, wildlife, architectural details, macro compositions, and industrial-themed scenes. It's a fun and rewarding creative outlet that lets me capture the light of pretty sights and fleeting moments that are here today and gone tomorrow. After my Canon gear has done its part, post-processing with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop lets me take my vision a step further: I have a thing for dark scenes with vivid colors giving off a nostalgic yet vibrant feeling. You can check out my work on Instagram and Unsplash. Feel free to download the images and use them as you wish — on your blog, as a background, or print it out large for your living room — attribution is much appreciated!

Awards & Acknoledgements


There used to be a list here, but it got too long after the numbers on Unsplash started to grow. My photos have been featured on a variety of websites, blogs, YouTube videos and other social media channels. I'm grateful for all the mentions and features, and I'm happy to have my work shared and appreciated by so many people. Thanks for the love!